BITS Pilani

Centre for Work Integrated Learning & Development  


Preparing students for the world of work and enabling them to remain relevant are two key objectives of work integrated learning model of education. Integrating authentic work experience with formal learning as an intentional part of the curriculum through a structured program is the means of achieving it. Research and practice quite clearly demonstrate that such an integration doesn’t happen by merely placing the students in the workplace but through a structured intervention using authentic industry-scale infrastructure, problems drawn from such a workplace and guided by subject matter experts trained in such technologies. 

The proposed Center for Work Integrated Learning & Development aims at providing such an opportunity to learners to not only meet their course requirements but also develop innovative solutions to industry problems.


Work Integration for WILP students: Working professionals undertaking continuing education should have access to contemporary infrastructure and expert guidance in order to gain applied technology skills to remain relevant in their chosen profession. Such a facility and expertise may not always be available to them in their place of work. Hence, the educational institutions operating in continuing education need to build such opportunities and make them available to their students as a part of the instruction.

Industry Problem-solving: Industries adopting emerging technologies require support of educational institutions in developing new methods and solutions for their vested problems. Institutions offering programs in inter-disciplinary/ multi-disciplinary fields are well placed to cater to this need.

Experiential learning: While the remote and virtual labs can generally meet the experiential learning needs of the courses, some of the learning experiences are best offered onsite and, in a place easily accessible to the students. This is also an expectation from the regulators.

Practice for campus students: The skill-gap between what the industry requires and the students possess is a matter of fact. Students with skills in emerging technologies stand a better chance to get placed even for internship. Hence, HEIs should build such skills as a part of their curriculum or at least as a learning opportunity for their students and other aspirants.

Scale & Access: In order to meet the scale and access it is essential to create such facilities in the industry hubs, which can also serve as training centers for the working professionals of the collaborating partners. This can further strengthen the industry-university linkage.


1. Develop innovative solutions to industry problems.

2. Create and test new ideas.

3. Build essential workplace skills in problem-solving and critical thinking.

4. Perform structured lab exercises related to specific courses / programs.


The emerging technologies considered based on our expertise and need are:

Software-defined Vehicles

Smart Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing

Applied AI-ML


About BITS Pilani           About BITS Pilani WILP 

An institution deemed to be a University estd. vide Sec.3 of the UGC Act, 1956 under notification # F.12-23/63.U-2 of Jun 18,1964

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